Nos perdimos tal como nos encontramos y sólo tuvimos el tiempo justo para comprender que los dos existíamos desde siempre y que en algún lugar imposible de recordar , nos habíamos visto , nos conocíamos desde el principio del Tiempo . . .Tenías que volver y yo que quedarme : te hubiera seguido ; te hubieras quedado (¿ cómo hacerlo?) . Aceptamos resignadamente la realidad .
Bella muchacha del Norte , estamos muy lejos el uno del otro , pero nuestros corazones laten muy cerca . Nuetros nombres suman la misma cifra . Trajiste contigo el olor del heno y de los verdes bosques que pueblan tu fría y lejana tierra y me impregnaste con él . Déjame que sueñe contigo , dulce docella : tu pelo de fuego se enredará en mi almohada . . .
Espero que encuentres pronto una nueva casa donde puedas vivir en paz . Cuida de Kieran , el da un motivo a tu existencia .
Todo sucedió tan rápido . . .
It all happenned so fast . . . at first I didn´t pay my attention , it was a group of foreigners very similar to many others that use to walk about this town attracted by flamenco or just pushed for a sort of "bug"that doesn´t let them to stay and remain there in their original places ( and they have "comunicated" it to the rest of the empire ´satelites ) . . .
Her "loopy" hair shone under the yellowish light from the streetlamps , a light that made seems the colour of her skin like the ripe wheat and her honey eyes . When we kissed to say good bye , we knew that we will not see us again for long , perhaps never again ; I didn´t want to delay , I wanted to pass the trouble quickly , without stopping to think the" emotionaly sad" from the moment , keeping my pulse and the beat of my heart to not accelerate them in a crazy race that might provoque me a traumatic colapse . I did an U-turn without looking back , walking really fast downstreet , squeezing my lips together to avoid a shout : that was what I wanted , to shout . To rocket up to the sky , to take off from the ground . Then , I saw the open door of a bar and got in ; perhaps one cup might help me : always it was said that a nip is good after a strong emotion . I asked for my nip and sat down for drinking it and one friend saw me , coming towards me : "what happens to you ? are you well ?". "Why you are asking me?"- I answered . He looked at me as if he had seen a ghost . . ."what have you taken"- he went on - because you took "sometihg" strong . . . "this" doesn´t result from smoking some joints and one nip , you have had to "swallow" some thing very strong . . . your hair is bristled and you have a mad-face just now . . . be carefull , these"things" you need to take care , you´re becoming distorted."I had not took "anything"this day nor the before one , nor since long ago . If I felt in this way was because I had suffered a strong emotion.
We missed at finding us and we have only just the time to understand that we both existed since ever and in some place impossible to remember , we had seen , we met at the begining of Time . . . You had to take your way- back and I had to stay here : I´d have followed you ; you`d have stayed by me (how to do it?) : We agreed with the reallity with resignation .
Beautyful Northern girl , we are so far one to the other , but our hearts beat very close . Our names sum the same number . You brought with you the smelling of the hay and from the green forest of your cold and distant land and impregnated me with it . Let me dream with you , sweet lass : your fire-hair will curl up on my pillow . . .
I do hope that you find a new house where can living in peace . Look after Kieran , he gives you a motive for your existence .
It all happennned so fast . . .

El sitio donde te hablé . . .
ganas me dan de volverme
y sentarme un ratito en él
y sentarme un ratito en él
(the place where I talked to you . . .
I wish to come back there
and sit on it for a short while)
I wish to come back there
and sit on it for a short while)
( Dedicado a Colette Harding )